In a remarkable stride towards space exploration, Space Zone India, a leading private aerospace company, is set to create history with the world’s first mobile launch...
In a groundbreaking initiative to foster Innovation and collaboration, ITM (SLS) Baroda University, Vadodara successfully hosted the Second Academia-industry meets 2023 bringing together brightest minds from academy...
Bharat, is home to a stunning array of traditional dance forms that epitomize its rich cultural heritage, developed over centuries. From the rhythmic elegance of Kathak...
Welcome to the era where flexibility and adaptability are kings, and traditional norms are making room for modern solutions. Enter Myles Cars—a game-changer in the world...
In the ever-evolving landscape of educational platforms, UPSCBuddy emerges as a distinguished beacon, unwavering in its commitment to providing quality, affordable and comprehensive information. As a...
Cassia Resort is a charming retreat tucked away in the peaceful Solan landscapes in the center of the enchanted state of Himachal Pradesh. Located 75 km...
Studying medicine is a dream for many students and pursuing MBBS abroad for Indian students is no less than a golden opportunity. A report presented, “it...
Rishikesh – As the seasons shift and Indian weather transforms, Gyan Yog Breath, a leading name in holistic wellness and yoga teacher training education, provides valuable...
The Chennai Runners, a not-for-profit organization run by passionate runner-volunteers since 2006, and Freshworks Inc. (NASDAQ: FRSH), the global software as a service company from Chennai, announced the...
EDIT Institute in Pune is a 30-year-old institute established in 1990, EDIT is a pioneer in the field of IT training industry and was amongst the...