In recent years, the practice of yoga has grown exponentially in popularity, transcending cultural and geographic boundaries. This surge in interest has been accompanied by a...
Gyan Yog Breath is a yoga education organization located in Rishikesh, India. It was founded in 2008 by Bipin Kumar to share the traditional yogic science...
Announcing the 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training incredibly planned for zealous yoga aspirants from January, 2023. Guaranteed Enjoyment on our online platform combined with weekly fun...
Do You Really Want To Know How To Earn Money as a Personal Trainer Get the Knowledge and implement it! This is the foremost requirement to...
Adkitty’s acquisition bulks up CoachPro’s affiliate revenue streams channels. Mumbai, May 7, 2022 – Actofit, a connected device and fitness management company, has acquired Bengaluru-based affiliate-marketing...