In the last few decades, Hinduism has been experiencing a remarkable expansion beyond the borders of India. This ancient spiritual tradition, known as Sanatan Dharma, has...
In commemoration of the centennial birth anniversary of Srhee Srhee Shankaracharya Swaroopananda Saraswathi Maharaj, an emotional celebration took place in the district of Madhya Pradesh, India,...
Biodiversity of the Ganga River is under stress due to reduced water availability, habitat degradation, pollution and unsustainable resource extraction. To conserve the ecological integrity of...
ABHISHEK LAL – LESSER KNOWN FACTS ABOUT THE INDIAN NOBEL LAUREATE Abhishek Lal, 45 from India in 2022 became the only Indian to have received the...
Smt. Sangita Dongre, the Joint Registrar (CIDCO) in Belapur, issued an order to dismiss the committee and appoint an administrator. This decision came after hearing complaints...
Project Sahayata was launched in March 2023 by high schoolers Samaira Mohunta, Kavin Sharma, Shiv Chauhan, Nitya Rathi, Miheeka Bagla, and Vaasavi Daga with the aim...
Geneva, The Geneva School of Diplomacy & IR celebrated its graduation ceremony on June 23, 2023, in a grand event marked by the presence of distinguished...
Dr Adish Aggarwala, President of the Supreme Court Bar association being felicitated by Advocate Partho Sarkar, President Western Region, Insolvency and Corporate Professionals Association of India...
Manisha Ranawat, who has been conferred with the title of youngest colorful filmmaker from India, recently co-sponsored the Short Film Festival Modi@9. The short film festival,...
Mumbai – During the months of June to August, the Indian government implements a fishing ban on the West Coast of India to protect the marine...