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MindPlus organizes drive for underprivileged children on Children’s day



As Calvin Coolidge once said, “No person was ever honored for what he received. He was honored for what he gave.” And the best thing about giving is that you can do it anytime and to anybody. So with this intention, a donation event was organized to uplift the underprivileged children of our society.

This Children’s Day, MindPlus decided to bring smiles to the faces of tiny- tots by organizing a drive where they collected shoes, clothes, toys, books, and food from the staff and caregivers of patients for the children in the outskirts of Doraha, Ludhiana.

Mind Plus Staff came forward and worked together to help these children to provide basic essentials for their better growth and development.

On November 14, 2022, a team from the hospital visited the Doraha slum neighborhoods with the donations that had been collected in a donation box that had been set up in the hospital.

The management officials urged people to come forward and contribute their bit to this social cause. We strongly feel that everyone should have access to basic necessities like clothing, food, shoes, and other necessities. So this event was organized with an aim of providing these basic survival kits to these unfortunate sections of society. We further hope that this drive encourages others to do similar activities to help underprivileged children.

Children from underprivileged backgrounds, including those in slums, urban poor families, and rural poor families, experience a variety of disadvantages, including poverty, malnutrition, access to quality healthcare, a lack of sanitary facilities, poor cleanliness, and inadequate access to clean water. This whole event was planned weeks ago by the hospital team and executed efficiently on Children ‘s Day when some of them visited nearby slum areas and interacted with the children. Our team also created awareness about mental well-being among the children where children were taught about basic breathing exercises and mindfulness for their mental well-being.

Cake cutting was done by the children. Our team members shared the feeling of satisfaction and contentment after distributing these donations to the children. They felt extremely overjoyed after seeing smiles on these kids’ faces.

On this Children’s Day, MindPlus humbly appeal to everyone to give back and help these beautiful children who can do so much better in their lives.
