
LandExchange Offers a New Way to Secure Your Future: From Traditional Savings to Land Ownership



Principle Infra Projects Ltd a master infrastructure developer company aiming to create Next-Gen-Cities and Modern-Villages by connecting the Urban to the Rural, announces the successful completion with proof of concept of its flagship online portal brainchild of Investor, Founder & CEO Mr. Solomon Peter. a leader in providing LAND as a preferred savings product for a secured future is excited to announce the successful completion of one of its product BABYLON GARDENS a “Minimum Investment Maximum Land” program, getting more than 200 people together in collective ownership farming program, through its cutting-edge platform that promises to revolutionize the way of having the unorganised sector of land transaction completely convert into a highly organised and open source platform for Information , Interaction & Transaction. is the result of more than a decade of research & development completely bootstrapped to arrive at a 360-degree whole product scenario for adding LAND as an added portfolio product vis-à-vis with established traditional savings product like Fixed Deposit, Mutual Fund, Gold, Shares & high-cost Real Estate. This innovative platform is designed to address main challenges like TITLE, LOCATION, FINANCE and most importantly RESALE when one buys LAND. It aims to provide a digital market place for everyone who is wanting to sell and buy land, since is a generic platform the reach visibility helps a larger demographics to participate in the LAND ownership, thereby not restricting land ownership among the few wealthy of the country.

As the founder says “LAND is the foundation of everything in this world. Throughout history every human being, kingdom or nation has wanted to own control and capitalize land as their primary identity and resource.

LAND in today’s percept is more secure, stable and tangible asset worth the sweat of the brow, strength of the back and courage of the heart for every individual who saves penny by penny to own a piece of pride called LAND. Owning Land throughout time immemorable has been a symbol of being fruitful, prosperous and wealthy”.

As he says “Own your LAND, Own your Country”.

“We are thrilled to introduce and the entire ecosystem,,,, with specialised dedicated CRM to defining the entire eco system with over 20 programs as technology engines as Sales boosters, Marketing boosters, Fintech engines & Modular construction in the eco system designed & dedicated to ensure a complete open-source program for the people to buy and sell LAND. endeavours to remove the speculation & manipulation around the pricing of the land in India by defining the forward and backward integration to establish parameters for price discovery in all projects listed on LandExchange. LandExchange through its program gives the financial lenders a through clarity on the title and FMV (fair market value) with relisting and recovery mechanism to lenders. A team comprising of professionals from Legal, architect, inhouse IT tech, sales, Land acquisition etc, with years of professional and practical experience of working in the field are responsible for handholding the LAND buyers in their Land Discovery journey of owning land. We are confident that in India where 16% of the world population is staying on 3% of the global geographical area, will bring the confidence of owning land as a secured tangible wealth creating product for the Indian market and enable more and more people to own Land.


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