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राष्ट्रीय राजधानी में महाप्रभु जी योग वीर सम्मान 2023 से विभूषित हुए योग शिक्षक व शिक्षिकाएं।



श्री योग अभ्यास आश्रम ट्रस्ट (SYAAT) एवं अखिल भारतीय योग शिक्षक महासंघ (ABYOGASMS FOUNDATION) के संयुक्त तत्वावधान में सफलतापूर्वक संपन्न हुआ सम्मान समारोह श्री योग अभ्यास आश्रम ट्रस्ट के प्रधान योगाचार्य एवं अंतर्राष्ट्रीय योगगुरु स्वामी अमित देव जी के सान्निध्य तथा अखिल भारतीय योग शिक्षक महासंघ राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष योगगुरु योगाचार्य मंगेश त्रिवेदी जी के दिशा निरदेश में सैकड़ो योग शिक्षकों एवं विशिष्ट योग गुरुओं को ‘महाप्रभु जी योग वीर सम्मान 2023’ से सम्मानित देश की राजधानी दिल्ली के तिलक नगर स्थित योगेश्वर देवीदयाल महामंदिर में किया गया।

उत्तर प्रदेश, पंजाब, महाराष्ट्र, हरियाणा व अन्य कई जिलों से योग शिक्षकों ने आकर अपना सम्मान ग्रहण किया। माननीय अजय मिश्र जी ‘केन्द्रीय गृह राज्य मंत्री’ ने वर्च्युल द्वारा कार्यक्रम की सफलता की बधाई दी, श्री राजऋषि वेदमूर्ति आचार्य पवन दत्त मिश्रा जी महाराज ‘हरिद्वार’ ने अपने गुरुदेव निरंजनी अखाड़े के आचार्य महामंडेलश्वर स्वामी कैलाशानंद गिरि जी महाराज (जो कि श्री योग अभ्यास आश्रम ट्रस्ट के मुख्य संरक्षक भी है) इन्होंने संस्था के कार्याें को सराहाते हुए मंत्रों की ध्वनि के साथ सबकी मंगल कामना की। भाजपा के वरिष्ठ नेता ओपी बब्बर जी, भाजपा दिल्ली प्रदेश के उपाध्यक्ष माननीय श्री राजीव बब्बर जी ने आकर बताया कि हम तो बचपन से ही तिलक नगर योग आश्रम से योग एवं आध्यात्मिक शिक्षा ले रहे हैं। वह अंतरराष्ट्रीय योग दिवस को मनोनीत कराने के लिए पूर्व विदेश मंत्री स्वर्गीय सुषमा स्वराज जी के साथ जाकर यू.एन.ओ. के सेक्रेटरी को भी अपनी आंखों के सामने पद्मासन पर बैठते हुए देखा वह बड़ा खुशी का पल है।

श्री राजीव बब्बर जी ने कहा कि स्वामी अमित देव जी योग का प्रचार प्रसार देश-विदेश में कर रहे हैं। और यह आश्वासन दिया कि मैं और मेरा पूरा परिवार तन-मन-धन से गुरु जी की सेवा में तत्पर हैं। और स्वामी अमित देव जी के कार्यों को सराहा और कहा कि हम हमेशा आपके साथ हैं। 135 वर्षों से यह संस्था मानव मात्र के कल्याणार्थ योग के कार्यरत है। जो कि योग योगेश्वर महाप्रभु रामलाल जी भगवान, योग योगेश्वर मुलखराज जी भगवान, योग योगेश्वर देवीदयाल जी महादेव, योग योगेश्वर सुरेन्द्र देव जी महाराज के पद्चिन्हों पर चल रहे है। योग गुरु स्वामी अमित देव जी ने विस्तार से बताया कि योग करना क्यों जरूरी है? जैसे घर की सफाई करना जरूरी है वैसे ही अपने शरीर की सफाई करना भी बहुत जरूरी है। जिससे आप बीमारियों से मुक्त रहे और स्वस्थ जीवन व्यतीत करें। किसी योग व आसन को देख व पढ़कर न करें। ऐसे में उस योग व आसन का फायदा न मिलकर हानि हो सकती है। इसलिए किसी योग व आसन को किसी गुरु के सान्निध्य में करना चाहिए।

योगाचार्य विनय भाटिया जिन्होंने सूत्रनेति, गज क्रिया एवं नासिका द्वारा दूध पीकर सबको अचंभित भी कर दिया। वही मनोज जोशी ने वस्त्र धौति को अपने मुंह में सबके सामने धारण किया और पुनः निकाल दिया सभी यह देखकर दंग रह गए। जिसका विख्यान स्वामी अमित देव जी द्वारा किया गया। तथा इसके साथ-साथ उन्होंने योगाचार्य मंगेश त्रिवेदी जी को श्री योग अभ्यास आश्रम ट्रस्ट का राष्ट्रीय सह-सचिव नियुक्त किया। हरिद्वार से आए श्री आचार्य जी ने भी अपने ऊपर किए गए योग के एक्सपेरिमेंट को विस्तार से बताया। और चंडीगढ़ से आए बाबा श्री हरजीव सिंह जी ने भी आकर स्वामी अमित देव जी का साथ देने का वादा किया।

INO के राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष श्री अंनत बिरादर जी, योगा पीस संस्थान के योगाचार्य श्री ढाका राम जी, वरिष्ठ पत्रकार श्री आयुष मिश्रा जी, आर्यकन्या महिला महाविद्यालय लखीमपुर की प्राचार्या श्रीमति सुरचना त्रिवेदी जी, सुलस्य योग केंद्र के संस्थापक श्री प्रणव सुलक्ष्य त्रिवेदी जी, योगा लवर्स ट्रस्ट के संस्थापक श्री सुनील सिंह जी, सर्वसमृद्धि योग केंद्र की संस्थापक अध्यक्षता योग विशेषज्ञ श्रीमति प्रियंका सिन्हा जी, मॉडल एवं एक्टर श्रीमति सियाराह जी, लेखिका श्रीमति नीलिमा ठाकुर जी, डिजायर ग्रुप के सीईओ श्री संजीव वर्मा जी, उषा दुबे (गुजरात), अनिल मकवाना (गुजरात), शुभांगी रत्नापारकी (महाराष्ट्र), हेमंत तिवारी (मध्यप्रदेश), माधुरी परमार (महाराष्ट्र), आचार्य राजेश ठक्कर (गोवा), शैलेंद्र कुमार गिरि (बिहार), गौतम दास (आसाम), भोलानाथ नायक (उड़ीसा), संजय तिवारी (मध्यप्रदेश), हर्षा तिवारी (मध्यप्रदेश), संजीव शर्मा (दिल्ली), नीलिमा ठाकुर (दिल्ली), योगिनी मीनाक्षी (दिल्ली), योग गुरु सुनील सिंह (दिल्ली), वर्षा गौतम (दिल्ली), अंकुर तिवारी (दिल्ली), राघवेंद्र पांडे (दिल्ली), योगाचार्य मनीष शर्मा (हरियाणा), राजीव माकन (हरियाणा), नवीन वर्मा (दिल्ली), अभिषेक गोपाल भारती (दिल्ली), प्रियंका सिन्हा (हरियाणा), अनन्त बिरादर (दिल्ली), आयुष मिश्रा (दिल्ली), मीना बिष्ट (दिल्ली), रोहिनी (दिल्ली), मेहर अब्बास (दिल्ली), सोनिया आर्या (दिल्ली), सौरभ तिवारी (दिल्ली), प्रियंका ढींगरा (दिल्ली), अवनीश दुबे (दिल्ली), मधु शर्मा (दिल्ली) डॉ सियाराह (दिल्ली), सौरभ चौधरी (उत्तर प्रदेश), अमर सिंह वर्मा (उत्तरप्रदेश), मधुरेश शर्मा (उत्तर प्रदेश), अनिल श्रीवास्तव (उत्तर प्रदेश), आनंद कुमार (उत्तर प्रदेश), शिवम मिश्रा (उत्तर प्रदेश), अंजु राज (उत्तर प्रदेश), नारेन्द्री देवी (उत्तर प्रदेश), अधिराज त्रिवेदी (उत्तर प्रदेश), अभ्युदय त्रिवेदी (उत्तर प्रदेश), बिन्देश तिवारी (उत्तर प्रदेश), डा सुरचना त्रिवेदी (उत्तर प्रदेश), प्रणव सुलक्ष्य त्रिवेदी (उत्तर प्रदेश), प्रियंका त्रिवेदी (उत्तर प्रदेश), प्रशांत शुक्ला (उत्तर प्रदेश) आदि को कार्यक्रम में विशिष्ट अतिथि के रूप में सम्मानित किया गया।

इनके साथ-साथ अलग-अलग स्थान से आए अवॉर्डी- कृष्ण कुमार, कीर्ति, पूनम खन्ना, शशिकांत, मोनू कौशिक, नीला सिंह, निशा झा, अवनीश दुबे, आर्य अविनाश सिंह, भारती, मधु शर्मा, किरण, गीता बंबानी, मोहित राजपूत, पल्लवी राणा, करणवीर सिंह, लविश कुमार, सुजीत योगाचार्य, ललिता कुमारी, दुष्यंत, राहुल, रूबी कुमारी, सोनू सूर्या, नरीता अरोड़ा, हरप्रीत कौर, सोनिया नागपाल, नारेह कुमार सैनी, प्रदीप राठौड़, शिवानी, तृप्ता सहगल, यशपाल, सतेन्द्र मलिक, रवीन्द्र सिंह, सूरज, आस्था सक्सेना, प्रियंका ढींगरा, अतुल कुमार, अगम मिश्र, पिंकी, अंजलि, नीलम जैन, इंदु सजवाण, पूजा कुमारी, अरिजीत सिंह, प्रीति कुमारी, रितु कुमारी, ज्योति कुमार सिंह, शशिकांत शाक्य, रितिका, नितिका कुमारी खड़का, प्रीति कुमारी, कोमल, नैना, लक्ष्मी गिर, यश सिन्हा, दीपा आदि को महाप्रभु जी योग वीर सम्मान से अलंकृत किया गया।

योगाभ्यास के विकास एवं योग शिक्षकों के हितों के रक्षार्थ अनवरत प्रयासरत अखिल भारतीय योग शिक्षक महासंघ ने योग शिक्षक व शिक्षिकाओं को राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर सम्मानित करने की परिपाटी को आगे बढ़ाते हुए श्री योग आश्रम ट्रस्ट के सक्रिय सहयोग से महाप्रभु जी योग वीर सम्मान समारोह 2023 सफलतापूर्वक संपन्न किया।

SutraNeti & Gajkarni

गुरुमाता शक्ति देवी, योगाचार्य तनु, योगाचार्य पूजा त्रिवेदी एवं श्री योग अभ्यास आश्रम की कार्यकारिणी श्री महेश चन्द गोयल (राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष), श्रीमति सविता साहनी (राष्ट्रीय उपाध्यक्ष), श्री राजीव जौली खोसला (राष्ट्रीय सचिव), श्री मनोज कपूर (राष्ट्रीय कोषाध्यक्ष), योगाचार्य कार्तिकेय (अध्यक्ष हरियाणा), अखिल भारतीय योग शिक्षक महासंघ के राष्ट्रीय महासचिव श्री आशीष अवस्थी जी, राष्ट्रीय सचिव डॉ हेमंत तिवारी जी, राष्ट्रीय उपाध्यक्ष श्री सौरभ चौधरी जी एवं राष्ट्रीय कोषाध्यक्ष श्रीमति नरेंद्री देवी जी समारोह में आए हुए विशिष्ट अतिथिओं का धन्यवाद किया और योग वीर एवं वीरांगनाओं को बधाई दी।

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Stargazing to Star building: The man who is leading the worlds largest scientific endeavour of the 21st century in Astronomy.



In an exclusive interview that feels more like a journey through time and space, we uncover the story of Kaushik Bose, the man at the helm of constructing the mega science project – Square Kilometre Array Observatory Telescope (SKAO LOW) in outback of Australian Desert. From his early days in Ranchi, India, surrounded by the whispers of nature and the stories of the cosmos, Bose has charted a path that few dare to dream.

Bose’s fascination with the universe began in the sprawling gardens of his childhood home, under the expansive Indian sky. “My mother introduced me to the stars,” he shares, reflecting on the evenings spent tracing constellations. It’s this celestial curiosity that propelled him from dreaming of moon colonies to leading the construction of the SKAO, an international endeavour set to redefine our understanding of the universe. Bose has been an international advisor to several governments across world in delivering critical facilities. “Building difficult things in unusual places on Earth”, has pretty much been my passion” he mentioned.

India’s Stellar Role

The SKAO, an unprecedented global collaboration, aims to build the world’s largest radio telescope. With India’s recent entry into the project, Bose feels a profound connection to the mission. “India’s dedication to astronomical research is crucial for the SKAO,” he states, highlighting the country’s pivotal role in the project’s software and planning phases & its integration to the supercomputing technology which the project will use.  Amongst some recent involvement, India successfully completed delivery of 350,000 meters of high voltage cables for the telescope construction.

High Voltage cables from India which will power up the SKAO LOW Telescope- Pictures from MRO site, with Kaushik

(High Voltage cables from India which will power up the SKAO LOW Telescope- Pictures from MRO site, with Kaushik)

Unravelling Cosmic Mysteries

What excites Bose the most about the SKAO’s potential is the quest to answer age-old questions about our universe. “We’re on the brink of potentially detecting signals from distant civilizations,” he marvels, contemplating the impact of such discoveries on our understanding of existence. It’s a testament to human curiosity and the unyielding desire to explore the unknown.

A Monumental Endeavor

Describing the SKAO’s scale, Bose draws an awe-inspiring picture: “Imagine fitting over 200 Eden Gardens within our project’s expanse.” The project’s infrastructure, sprawling across vast deserts, is a beacon of human ambition and ingenuity. The network of cables alone could circle the Earth multiple times, a physical manifestation of the project’s global reach and its boundless aspirations.

Challenges of Cosmic Proportions

Constructing in the Murchison desert’s radio-quiet zone comes with its unique set of challenges, from stringent electromagnetic compliance to the logistical hurdles of coordinating a global team. But for Bose, who has built infrastructure in some of the world’s most remote locales, these challenges are just another puzzle to solve on the path to unlocking the universe’s secrets.

A Heart Anchored in India

Despite his global journey, Bose’s heart remains firmly rooted in India. “The connection to my homeland remains strong,” he asserts, expressing a desire to contribute to India’s burgeoning scientific landscape. His work, though spanning continents, always circles back to the serene landscapes of his birthplace.

Inspiring Future Generations

Bose’s message to the youth is clear: let curiosity lead the way. His transition from an architect of buildings to an architect of the stars is a narrative of passion and perseverance. “The future belongs to those bold enough to chase their dreams,” he encourages, envisioning a world where the next generation reaches even further into the cosmos.

A New Perspective on Our Place in the Universe

In contemplating the current era, Bose sees a parallel with historical moments of great innovation. Exploring space, he believes, offers new solutions and insights, potentially addressing some of our most pressing challenges. It’s a perspective that reiterates the importance of looking beyond our immediate surroundings, towards the vastness of space, for answers.

As we wrapped up our conversation, it was clear that Kaushik Bose is not just building the world’s most advanced radio telescope; he’s laying the foundation for a future where the mysteries of the universe are within our grasp. The story of Kaushik stands out as one of the many bright talents India is putting up on the global stage.

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Axllo Green Energy Secures $66M Funding for 20 CBG Plants in South India



Axllo Green Energy Private Limited (AGEPL) is poised for a significant leap in the renewable energy sector, securing full funding for 20 Compressed Biogas (CBG) plants across South India. A United Kingdom-based investment firm M/s Climate Capital Technolgy Limited, London, has committed an impressive $66M (around 560 Crores INR) for the erection, commissioning, and operation of these plants, each with a capacity of 5 TPD (Tonnes Per Day).

The first plant, located near Bagalkot, Karnataka, is set to be commissioned on Axllo’s 5-acre land plot. The plant will process Pressmud and Napier Grass as feedstock to produce 5,000 kgs of Compressed Biogas daily. In addition to biogas, the plant will generate valuable by-products such as 32 tonnes of solid manure per day and carbon credits, contributing to environmental sustainability and carbon emission reductions.

The UK-based financing company views this partnership as a key entry into the Indian market, with a primary focus on transacting carbon credits in the international market. Carbon credits are projected to have substantial financial potential, offering promising returns on investment while supporting global carbon reduction efforts.

Commenting on the investment, the CEO of the UK-based financing firm, Climate Capital Technology Limited, Mr. Douglas Prentice, said, “We will work closely with the Axllo team to ensure a smooth transition of funds in alignment with the project’s milestones. We believe this partnership will significantly contribute to India’s renewable energy goals and global efforts towards sustainable energy solutions.”

AGEPL’s CEO and Managing Director, Mr. Sadanand M. Banagar, emphasized the importance of the project beyond its financial value, stating, “Beyond the lucrative financial returns, we are committed to supporting green initiatives that align with our mission to drive sustainability and combat climate change. The significant reduction in carbon emissions and the promotion of renewable energy in rural areas make this project particularly compelling for us.”

This collaboration marks a milestone in Axllo Green Energy’s journey towards a greener and more sustainable energy future, positioning it as a key player in India’s renewable energy landscape.

Contact : Mr. Basavaraj KJ

Media Liason

+91-93800 08946

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VIHTRIBEZ: The Fusion of Creativity and Commercial Success



Finding the balance between creativity and commercial success can be elusive in a world where content is king. Enter VIHTRIBEZ, a community founded by two dynamic individuals, Mithyll Dave and P. Swarnalata, who have combined their years of experience and passion to create a unique space for creators and entrepreneurs.

VIHTRIBEZ isn’t just another business or creative community; it’s a thriving ecosystem where storytelling and content creation are elevated into a powerful tool for brand building and revenue generation. What sets VIHTRIBEZ apart is how it marries the art of creativity with the science of commercial viability, creating a harmonious balance between the two.

The Visionaries Behind VIHTRIBEZ

Mithyll Dave, a seasoned content strategist, podcast wizard, and solopreneur coach, has been helping creators and entrepreneurs find their voice and monetize their passions. His partner in this journey, P. Swarnalata, is an accomplished writer, author, and the founder of Dastan Media. This storytelling hub helps businesses and professionals build their brand stories through different storytelling formats. Together, they have formed VIHTRIBEZ, a community that caters to creators who want to tell their stories and achieve sustainable success.

“VIHTRIBEZ was born out of our passion for creating content and our experience of generating revenue and brand value through content,” shares Mithyll. His expertise in content marketing and solopreneur coaching allows him to guide community members in producing content that isn’t just engaging but also profitable. Mithyll’s skill set goes beyond content creation—he provides a roadmap for those looking to turn their ideas into a business.

Swarnalata, on the other hand, believes that “we are all unique stories in motion that are waiting to be told.” As a storyteller, she brings a distinctive narrative flair to the community, ensuring that every member’s personal and professional stories resonate with their audience. “What we do at VIHTRIBEZ is help our community members find that voice, personal or professional,” she explains. Her ability to weave storytelling techniques into content creation makes her the perfect counterpart to Mithyll’s more commercial approach.

Creativity Meets Commercial Strategy

What makes VIHTRIBEZ truly unique is the complementary expertise of its founders. If Mithyll is the architect of content strategy and monetization, Swarnalata is the storyteller who adds heart and depth to the narrative. Together, they form the two sides of the content marketing coin, each adding immense value to the other.

Balancing creativity with commercial goals is essential for businesses and individuals looking to scale their brand. “People often see storytelling as a purely creative endeavour, but it’s so much more than that. It’s a business tool, and we help our members understand how to harness it for real-world success,” says Swarnalata. Mithyll echoes this sentiment, adding, “Great content isn’t enough. It needs to be packaged and marketed to generate revenue, and that’s what we teach at VIHTRIBEZ.”

Building a Thriving Community

At its core, VIHTRIBEZ is more than just a platform for creators—it’s a community. Mithyll and Swarnalata are committed to fostering an environment where members support each other, collaborate, and grow together. Whether someone is just starting out or already has a foothold in the industry, the community offers resources, mentorship, and a network that makes the content creation journey smoother and more rewarding.

The founders are already hard at work building this community into a thriving hub full of storytellers, content creators, and entrepreneurs. With their combined expertise and shared vision, VIHTRIBEZ aims to become the go-to space for anyone looking to grow both creatively and commercially.

The Future of VIHTRIBEZ

As VIHTRIBEZ continues to grow, the possibilities seem endless. Mithyll and Swarnalata have big plans for the community’s future, with more workshops, events, and mentorship opportunities on the horizon. Their goal is simple: to build a space where creators can tell their stories, grow their brands, and achieve financial success—without sacrificing creativity.

In a world where content is increasingly commodified, VIHTRIBEZ offers a refreshing take on the business of storytelling.

The duo invites creators, entrepreneurs, and storytellers to join them on this journey and become a part of the ever-evolving VIHTRIBEZ, where creativity and commercial success walk hand in hand.

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General News

Manali Marathon 2.0: A Testament to Resilience and Community Spirit



Manali, Himachal Pradesh, India – September 28-29: The Manali Marathon 2.0 concluded triumphantly, solidifying its position as one of India’s premier running events. Held on September 29, the marathon saw 659 runners from across India and globe-trotting enthusiasts participate.

Rebuilding and Revitalizing Tourism

Conceived in response to the devastating 2023 floods, the Manali Marathon aimed to showcase the town’s resilience and readiness to welcome tourists once again. This vision was brought to life through the unwavering support of:

– India Tourism

– Himachal Tourism

– Kullu Administration

– Kullu Police


Esteemed sponsors: Amul India, Airtel Bonn, Garuda, Pure White, Vivan Stays, Max Gro, Test Preg, Snow Clad Holidays, Central Adventure, i N Technologies, Adhpl and Danis Hardware

Key Highlights:

– Distances: 1km, 5K, 10K, Half Marathon (21.1K), Full Marathon (42.2K), Ultra Marathon (100K)

– Scenic route through Manali’s landscapes to iconic Rohtang Pass

– Participation: 200+ runners from 20+ Indian states, 45 international runners from 5 countries

– Winner: Rigzin from Ladakh set a new record in the Rohtang Pass Ultra Challenge 100K (11 hours)

Organizer’s Quote:

Manali Marathon 2.0: surpassed our expectations. We’re thrilled to see the running community come together, pushing boundaries and promoting a healthy lifestyle. Our gratitude to participants, – Praveen Sood (Pintu), President, Himalayan Xtreme

Community Impact:

– Promoted tourism and economic growth

– Encouraged healthy living and fitness

– Manali cleaniness drive with NCC Cadets

– Fostered community engagement and cultural exchange

Future Plans:

Manali Marathon 3.0 will feature trail running events, further solidifying Manali’s position as a world-class running destination.

Join the Journey:

Stay updated on Manali Marathon 3.0 and be part of this incredible journey!

Visit for more information.

Follow on social media: Facebook @HimalayanXtreme, Instagram @manalimarathon.

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General News

KhetiKisaan – A Comprehensive Online Resource for Agriculture and Commodity Insights



Rawatsar, 24/09/2024 – KhetiKisaan, a leading online platform dedicated to agriculture, is making waves in the farming community by providing timely and accurate information on mandi bhav, egg rates, agricultural commodities, grains, farming techniques, and market trends. With a commitment to supporting farmers, traders, and agriculture enthusiasts, KhetiKisaan has become a trusted resource for those seeking the latest updates on the Indian agricultural landscape.

At KhetiKisaan, users can access a wide range of articles that offer in-depth insights into current mandi bhav (market prices), trends in commodity markets, and comprehensive information on egg rates. Whether it’s a farmer looking to stay informed about grain prices or an agribusiness professional seeking data on agricultural commodities, KhetiKisaan provides valuable and actionable content tailored to the needs of the agriculture sector.

“Our mission at KhetiKisaan is to empower the agricultural community by providing them with accurate and up-to-date information,” said Pankaj Sihag, founder of KhetiKisaan. “By bringing together data on mandi rates, commodity prices, and other critical agricultural insights, we aim to bridge the information gap and help farmers and traders make informed decisions.”

The platform stands out for its easy-to-navigate design and user-friendly interface, ensuring that visitors can quickly find the information they need. With articles covering various aspects of farming, market rates, and commodities, KhetiKisaan is dedicated to becoming a one-stop hub for agriculture-related news and insights.

Key Features of KhetiKisaan:

  • Mandi Bhav: Daily updates on market prices for key agricultural commodities across major mandis in India.
  • Egg Rate: Reliable and up-to-date information on egg rates, benefiting both producers and traders.
  • Agriculture News: Comprehensive articles on farming techniques, market trends, and the latest developments in the agriculture sector.
  • Commodity Insights: Detailed analysis of grains and other agricultural commodities to help stakeholders stay informed about price movements and trends.

KhetiKisaan has already gained the trust of thousands of users across India and is set to expand its reach further as the demand for timely agricultural information continues to grow. By providing vital data and resources, KhetiKisaan aims to play a pivotal role in the future of agriculture in India.

For more information, please visit

About KhetiKisaan

KhetiKisaan is an online platform that provides reliable and accurate information on mandi bhav, egg rates, agricultural commodities, grains, and farming trends. Designed to cater to the needs of farmers, traders, and agribusiness professionals, KhetiKisaan delivers timely and relevant insights to help the agricultural community stay informed and make better decisions.

Media Contact:

Pankaj Sihag

Founder, KhetiKisaan


Phone: +91 87428 53342


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