In a groundbreaking initiative to foster Innovation and collaboration, ITM (SLS) Baroda University, Vadodara successfully hosted the Second Academia-industry meets 2023 bringing together brightest minds from academy...
Bharat, is home to a stunning array of traditional dance forms that epitomize its rich cultural heritage, developed over centuries. From the rhythmic elegance of Kathak...
In the ever-evolving landscape of educational platforms, UPSCBuddy emerges as a distinguished beacon, unwavering in its commitment to providing quality, affordable and comprehensive information. As a...
Cassia Resort is a charming retreat tucked away in the peaceful Solan landscapes in the center of the enchanted state of Himachal Pradesh. Located 75 km...
Studying medicine is a dream for many students and pursuing MBBS abroad for Indian students is no less than a golden opportunity. A report presented, “it...
Technosphere, a leading India-based IoT engineering design and systems integration company, has collaborated with Atmosic Technologies, an innovator in extreme-low-power wireless communication platforms, to develop a...
Unfolding grandeur, KALKI Fashion unveils its fifth flagship store in the country in the city of Surat, Gujarat. As the premier fashion destination for every contemporary...
In a historic move spearheaded by Mangal Prabhat Lodha, Minister of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship under the Government of Maharashtra, more than 500 students have already...
Appy Pie, the leading no-code AI app development platform, stays true to its mission to revolutionize and democratize the tech industry with its pioneering advancements in...
Impact Guru Foundation, an organization that aims to facilitate access to affordable healthcare, and Sagility India, a leader in providing technology and transformation-driven BPM services proudly...