The atmosphere was charged with inspiration as students and aspirants gathered at the prestigious Vajirao & Reddy IAS Institute campus for a highly anticipated seminar led...
The UPSC Civil Services Examination is one of the most coveted and challenging exams in the country. Success in this exam brings immense professional and personal...
The UPSC Prelims 2024 featured a pivotal examination component—the Civil Services Aptitude Test (CSAT). This review deeply explores the CSAT, evaluating its sections on Mathematics, Reasoning,...
In the quest for a sense of purpose, diverse career opportunities, leadership, respect, prestige, and working for a cause larger than oneself, many working professionals aspire...
Mastering current affairs is a crucial aspect of UPSC Civil Services Examination preparation. As a significant portion of the questions are influenced by current events in...
As the Civil Services Mains Examination draws closer, aspirants are often engulfed in a whirlwind of emotions, stress, and anticipation. The final week before the exam...
As India proudly hosts the G-20 Summit in September the leaders of the world’s largest economies will assemble and develop the global agenda for the upcoming...